As you know I have featured my clips on to YouTube. For a number of reasons I have made a decision to leave You Tube within the near future. What is going to be developed is a website where I'll host the clips. This is being done so that I may control all aspects of production and distribution which will make your viewing experience much more pleasurable. However for the time being I have set up a temporary You Tube channel located at:
Pamela Greyson's LOST LOS ANGELES channel
(To preserve the artistic content a number of clips at the YouTube channel have been placed into unlisted status.)
(Clips from time-to-time will be deleted and reposted because Google/YouTube places ads over them causing the guest to my channel to have to wait 5 seconds before they can view the content. Each time this is done by Google/YouTube the clip shall be removed and reposted.)
Pam :)